Samsung A310F Bit 5 U5/S5 is latest security frp remove method. How to remove FRP without Combination. A310F FRP Last Security. Try this Method when all bypass methods fails.
This Method is suitable for those who had tried with these
- using Pin code method
- Puk code method
- Talkback Method
- Bluetooth Method
- Hush SMS Method
If all above methods does not work then now you need to follow the below procedure to unlock FRP
Update: You can use the latest Samsung FRP Bypass Tool by EFT Team. In this method, you do not need any ISP or any JTAG Box. Try this tool once.
A310F FRP Using Easy jtag/UFI
The above heading clears that you need Easy Jtag, UFI or any other Jtag Device. You must have soldering skills to solder ISP Points.
Here is ISP Pinout for Samsung A310F

- Press and Hold Home+Vol UP+ Power Button and go to recovery to see build version of file and Download Same Build Firmware File.
- Disassemble phone and with jumper wire connect all above points with ISP Adapter and connect it with you PC through JTAG Device.
Be careful while soldering these points because any mistake can lead you to scraped phone.
I am Not Responsible for your own Deeds. This Article is for educational purpose only.
- Now Run Easy JTAG Tool, Click on eMMC Select IO Voltage as 1.8 Volt and click on detect to confirm that eMMC is successfully connected
- Click on Advanced and finally “Android FRP Clear” button to clear FRP
- Now FRP is Gone

- Assemble phone and turn it ON, you will see phone is rebooting itslef again and again Don’t Worry! Now you need to full flash your phone with same binary version.
- Go to Download Mode(Vol Down+Home button+Power button) and Flash using Odin3 or Samsung Tool Pro
- After Complete Flash Goto Recovery Mode once and make Wipe Data Factory Reset.
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Succussful Operation Details
Selected pinout: GEN2 ISP Pinout
Change EasyJTAG Pinout OK
Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC GEN2 Firmware... IO: 2800 mV
Box S/N: 301651594171F72F, ,FW Ver.: 02.48
CMD Pullup Level:866 mV
CMD Active Level:2426 mV
Box IO Level:2800 mV
CLK Rate:36000 kHz
Bus Width:1bit,SDR
HiPower mode is ON!
Can't init device, Reason: CMD Timeout Error
Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC GEN2 Firmware... IO: 1800 mV
Box S/N: 301651594171F72F, ,FW Ver.: 02.48
CMD Pullup Level:505 mV
CMD Active Level:1660 mV
Box IO Level:1800 mV
CLK Rate:36000 kHz
Bus Width:1bit,SDR
HiPower mode is ON!
---------- eMMC Device Information ----------
eMMC CID : 150100414A4E4233520346A251F6B3CF
eMMC CSD : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
eMMC Manufacturer ID: 0015 , OEM ID: 0100
eMMC Date: 11/2016 Rev.0x3
eMMC NAME: AJNB3R , S/N: 1185042934
eMMC NAME (HEX): 414A4E423352
IC Name: Samsung , KLMAG1JENB-B031/16GB @FBGA169
EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 15028 MB
EMMC ROM2 (Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC ROM3 (Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB is programmed and written 2 times
EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
EMMC Password Locked: No
Extended CSD rev 1.7 (MMC 5.0)
Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x48] Boot from:ROM2 (Boot Partition 1)
Boot bus config [177]: 0x01 , width 4bits , Partition config [179]: 0x48.
H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00
High-capacity WP group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x00004000]
Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced tech.
Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
Backup saved: AJNB3R_1185042934_20191212_1122.extcsd
Partition info successfully found
------ Detected 23 partitions ------
P0 (BOTA0) [0x400000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P1 (BOTA1) [0x800000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P2 (EFS) [0xc00000 0x1400000] Size: 20.0MB
P3 (CPEFS) [0x2000000 0x800000] Size: 8.0MB
P4 (M9KEFS1) [0x2800000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P5 (M9KEFS2) [0x2c00000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P6 (M9KEFS3) [0x3000000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P7 (CARRIER) [0x3400000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB
P8 (PARAM) [0x3500000 0x800000] Size: 8.0MB
P9 (BOOT) [0x3d00000 0x2000000] Size: 32.0MB
P10 (RECOVERY) [0x5d00000 0x2600000] Size: 38.0MB
P11 (OTA) [0x8300000 0x800000] Size: 8.0MB
P12 (CDMA-RADIO) [0x8b00000 0x400000] Size: 4.0MB
P13 (RADIO) [0x8f00000 0x5800000] Size: 88.0MB
P14 (TOMBSTONES) [0xe700000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB
P15 (DNT) [0xe800000 0x100000] Size: 1.0MB
P16 (PERSISTENT) [0xe900000 0x80000] Size: 512.0KB
P17 (PERSDATA) [0xe980000 0xc00000] Size: 12.0MB
P18 (RESERVED2) [0xf580000 0x280000] Size: 2.500MB
P19 (SYSTEM) [0xf800000 0xbb800000] Size: 2.929GB
P20 (CACHE) [0xcb000000 0xc800000] Size: 200.0MB
P21 (HIDDEN) [0xd7800000 0x3700000] Size: 55.0MB
P22 (USERDATA) [0xdaf00000 0x2d0000000] Size: 11.250GB
------ Android information ------
Detected LINUX(Android) SYSTEM : 0x000F800000 (2.929GB)
Build ID: NRD90M
Display Build ID: NRD90M.A310FXXS5CSF3
Release Incremental ID: A310FXXS5CSF3
Release Base ID: 7.0
Device Model: SM-A310F
Device Name: a3xeltexx
Architecture ABI: armeabi-v7a
Device manufacturer: samsung
Device Platform: exynos5
Product ID: a3xelte
Build Description: a3xeltexx-user 7.0 NRD90M A310FXXS5CSF3 release-keys
Samsung CPU: exynos7580
Detected USERDATA USERDATA : 0x00DAF00000 (11.250GB)
Blocks Reading Error (0xDAF00400 , 2 , Reason: CMD CRC Error )
Unable to mount USERDATA , code : 5
Checking security ...
Running:Format FRP Partition...
Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC GEN2 Firmware... IO: 1800 mV
Box S/N: 301651594171F72F, ,FW Ver.: 02.48
CMD Pullup Level:506 mV
CMD Active Level:1660 mV
Box IO Level:1800 mV
CLK Rate:36000 kHz
Bus Width:1bit,SDR
HiPower mode is ON!
---------- eMMC Device Information ----------
eMMC CID : 150100414A4E4233520346A251F6B3CF
eMMC CSD : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
eMMC Manufacturer ID: 0015 , OEM ID: 0100
eMMC Date: 11/2016 Rev.0x3
eMMC NAME: AJNB3R , S/N: 1185042934
eMMC NAME (HEX): 414A4E423352
IC Name: Samsung , KLMAG1JENB-B031/16GB @FBGA169
EMMC ROM1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 15028 MB , 0x1D5A000 pages , 0x3AB400000 bytes
EMMC ROM2 (Boot Partition 1) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC ROM3 (Boot Partition 2) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 kB
EMMC RPMB is programmed and written 2 times
EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
EMMC Password Locked: No
Extended CSD rev 1.7 (MMC 5.0)
Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x48] Boot from:ROM2 (Boot Partition 1)
Boot bus config [177]: 0x01 , width 4bits , Partition config [179]: 0x48.
H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00
High-capacity WP group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x00004000]
Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced tech.
Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
Partition info successfully found
Formatting FRP...
Detected LINUX(Android) PERSISTENT : 0x000E900000 (512.0KB) formatting...
Detected LINUX(Android) CACHE : 0x00CB000000 (200.0MB) , formatting...
Detected LINUX(Android) USERDATA : 0x00DAF00000 (11.250GB) , formatting...