Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet 1st Generation Stock Rom to download. How to Flash Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet with ease. Update Kindle Fire to Latest Firmware. You can also download the Official Firmware File for Kindle Fire First Generation.
How to Flash Amazon Kindle Fire
- 15 seconds ADB Installer
- Amazon Drivers
Update Method (Method 1)
- Download .bin update file and transfer the to your device storage in root directory (not in any folder)
- Tap on Settings then Device Options
- In Device option locate System Updates.
- Tap on Update.
- Your Fire Tablet will reboot during this software update.
- After rebooting, you will see the message “Installing system update” on the screen.
- After Successful Update phone reboots itself.
- You have to wait for some minutes because first boot updates system files.
Flashing From Recovery (Method 2)
- Download and install 15 seconds ADB Installer System Wide
- Install Drivers
- Open CMD and change directoy using cd command to folder where you downloaded the .Bin file

In my case
cd "H:\@Flashing Files\Firmware\Amazon\Amazon Kindle Fire"
- Reboot your Kindle Fire in Recovery Mode and choose “Apply update from adb“
- type this command to flash
adb sideload "filename.bin"
- Replace filename with your downloaded file name for example in my case it is
adb sideload "update-kindle-"

- You can see flashing started on your Tablet’s Screen
Weird to Check Model for Kindle Fire Tablet?
Open the Settings menu.
Select Device Options.
Your device model is listed under Device Model or About Fire Tablet.