How to Fix Blackberry boot errors using BlackBerry Link. Fix Blackberry won’t turn on until you fix this problem. How to Reload (Reflash) Software (Firmware) on your Blackberry. These all questions are answered in this article and I will tell you how to get back your phone alive.
BlackBerry Users are in all over the world. BlackBerry smartphones are released with stable software but sometimes it got stuck at its bootloader with one of the following errors
All the above errors are can be solved by Flashing/Updating or restoring to default. Blackberry has own Software upgrade (software Reload) Tool which is recognized as Blackberry Link.
How to Fix error bb10-0015 on Blackberry Z3
Error bb10-0015 is due to a fatal file system error. follow all steps carefully to resolve this problem on BlackBerry Z3 or any of BlackBerry smartphone.
Download and How to Flash SPD/RDA/Unisoc Phone using Infinity CM2SCR Tool
- A PC with Good Internet Connection
- BlackBerry Link Software
- BlackBerry Drivers
- USB Cable
Step 1: Download and install BlackBerry Link and Drivers on your Computer/Laptop or MAC and restart your PC
Step 2: Open BlackBerry Link Click on Preferences, Click on Reload Device Software and Click on Reload

Step 3: After Some Seconds you will see a window like this. Now you need to turn off your phone and connect with your PC

Step 4: Click on Get update and after that Click on Install Update

Step 5: It will Download Required Files and Start Installing.

You can see this window after completion of Software. Click on Close and disconnect your phone.

what if you Got Some Error During Software Reloading

If you get this type of error then try some below solutions
- Check Internet Connection/Proxy or Try to Connect High-Speed Internet
- Check USB Cable, Drivers, Restart PC
- Disconnect your phone and restart BlackBerry Link Software and start the procedure Again
If you have any issue regarding this topic just drop your words below in the comment section.
It keeps failing to flash
It disconnects my device
And say device disconnected