Here is the download link for the latest stock ROM for VGOTEL SUPER JUMBO i800 (Bar phone). You will see here all versions to download and can choose right file for your phone. You can Fix Keypad by this file. These files are MTK version i800 model.
Flash files are purely tësted and you can see flashing logs in the middle of this page. Flashing this firmware required Special Flashing Tools and MTK FP drivers to be installed. We will guide You on how to flash VGOTEL i800 using Infinity MTK Tool and bring the phone back to life.
How to Flash
First of all, make sure you have installed MTK Drivers and restarted your pc once. After this install CM2 MTK Tool and connect your infinity dongle. However, You can also use Miracle Box, Hydra Tool, and other related professional tools also.
Select FP in settings and choose Flash tab. click on Bin to load .bin flash file. After all, click on Flash and connect your phone with pc using USB Data Cable.
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Flashing Log
Chinese Miracle II [MTK module] v 1.58 Load File File_Info : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_F2_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_I800_F2_V08_20181015.bin FileVersion : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_i800_F2_V08_20181015 Load File Ok Start at : [5/6/2021 / 1:05:12 PM] Operation : Flash [ v1.58 ] ======= Flash Files set for flashing : [ MCU ] : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_F2_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_I800_F2_V08_20181015.bin Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( '*' ) Wait for phone… Phone found! [ 34 ] Sync… Sync Ok, read regs… Inital regs read done Boot Info : BB_CPU_ID : 6261 BB_CPU_HW : CB01 BB_CPU_SW : 0001 BB_CPU_SB : 8000 BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MT6261_S0000 BB_CPU_SN : AB821BF9FD613F07C070055E93AA9779 BROM Protocol Version : 05 Setting… Setting done , result code 0x000E BROM stage done Seek and prepare DownloadAgent DownloadAgent matching HW Found! DA verify and select done Sending DA to target … DA_INFO : 0xC0 , Ver : 3.2 , BBID : 0x8E SOC_VERIFY : 0xC1 BOOT_STYLE : SF_FLASH_BOOT NOR Flash IC initialized [0] : FLASH_VEN : 0x00EC , [GigaDevice] GD25LQ32 [0] : FLASH_DIE : 00C8 0060 0016 0000 [0] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00400000 SDS_INFO : 0x003FE000 , 0x00002000 INT_RAM : 0x0000D000 EXT_RAM : 0x00400000 File_Info : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_F2_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_I800_F2_V08_20181015.bin FileVersion : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_i800_F2_V08_20181015 Flash now Erase region , wait … Write data , wait … Write : XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_F2_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_I800_F2_V08_20181015.bin Done! Elapsed: 00:00:52 Reconnect Power/Cable!
Download VGOTEL i800 Flash File
Here are the latest downloadable flash files for Vgotel i800 and download only matched version.
Version: XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_F2_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.XG05_KM_V2404_VGOTEL_I800_F2_V08_20181015
File Size: 3.23 MB
Version: FISE61D_11C_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00_BOOTLOADER_V005.MAUI.11C.W13.52.MP.V2.F9
File Size: 3.26 MB